The Turning Tray was originally designed by Finn Juhl in 1956. The original trays are now on display at Finn Juhl’s Carlottenlund, Denmark home, which is now a museum. ArchitectMade has relaunched the Turning Trays by creating exact replicas from Juhl’s original drawings. Each tray features many of Finn Juhl’s characteristic design elements, including curved teak frames and the corner joints.  Search “kristina dam framed finn juhl house illustration” from Blue Crush | 8 Design Classics in a Cool Hue

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The Turning Tray was originally designed by Finn Juhl in 1956. The original trays are now on display at Finn Juhl’s Carlottenlund, Denmark home, which is now a museum. ArchitectMade has relaunched the Turning Trays by creating exact replicas from Juhl’s original drawings. Each tray features many of Finn Juhl’s characteristic design elements, including curved teak frames and the corner joints.