Rapson Rapid Rocker by Rapson-Inc.

“Designed in the early ‘40s by Ralph Rapson, who built a ton of famous houses and buildings in the city, it’s the most comfortable chair I’ve ever sat in. His son Toby, who lives near the store and has become a good friend, has helped get it back into production. It’s a beautiful, simple piece that fits in anywhere.”  Search “furniture design ralph rapson” from Shops We Love: Forage Modern Workshop

Search “furniture design ralph rapson”

Rapson Rapid Rocker by Rapson-Inc.

“Designed in the early ‘40s by Ralph Rapson, who built a ton of famous houses and buildings in the city, it’s the most comfortable chair I’ve ever sat in. His son Toby, who lives near the store and has become a good friend, has helped get it back into production. It’s a beautiful, simple piece that fits in anywhere.”