Not known for cutting corners, Dyson spent $60.4 million to develop the humidifier, and went through 643 prototypes. Cheaper models, like those from Air-O-Swiss or the $60 Vicks V4500, will achieve similar ends as the Dyson, but they require near-daily cleaning by hand to be kept hygienic.  Search “dyson-dc23-turbinehead.html” from Dyson Humidifier Will Keep Your Air Clean Using Bacteria-Killing Technology

Search “dyson-dc23-turbinehead.html”

Not known for cutting corners, Dyson spent $60.4 million to develop the humidifier, and went through 643 prototypes. Cheaper models, like those from Air-O-Swiss or the $60 Vicks V4500, will achieve similar ends as the Dyson, but they require near-daily cleaning by hand to be kept hygienic.