During the worst of the recession, companies looked to DIY and low-cost creativity to innovate. One company to jump aboard the creative revamp bandwagon is the notoriously cheap Motel 6 chain. The pillar of downmarket roadside accommodations, Motel 6 is reskinning their shabby (and not chic) interiors to give them a touch of modern minimalism and an air of modest luxury. Check out the changes here.  Search “能赢钱的捕鱼 手机版『wn4.com』火萤棋牌方块娱乐免费诚招全国代理6.w6n2c9o.2022年11月30日21时23分35秒.9ut7xkmrl” from Motel 6 Makeover

Search “能赢钱的捕鱼 手机版『wn4.com』火萤棋牌方块娱乐免费诚招全国代理6.w6n2c9o.2022年11月30日21时23分35秒.9ut7xkmrl”

During the worst of the recession, companies looked to DIY and low-cost creativity to innovate. One company to jump aboard the creative revamp bandwagon is the notoriously cheap Motel 6 chain. The pillar of downmarket roadside accommodations, Motel 6 is reskinning their shabby (and not chic) interiors to give them a touch of modern minimalism and an air of modest luxury. Check out the changes here.