Ebba Strandmark's delightful corner easy chair (price TBD) will be available in August 2014. Ideal for small spaces, it "embraces you like an armchair and gives you the comfort of a sofa. Somewhere to snuggle into that uses an otherwise wasted corner.”  Search “初三毕业请假条什么时候写?刻Zhang,Ban证,ps+薇:674150256” from Ikea Furniture Designed for Small Spaces

Search “初三毕业请假条什么时候写?刻Zhang,Ban证,ps+薇:674150256”

Ebba Strandmark's delightful corner easy chair (price TBD) will be available in August 2014. Ideal for small spaces, it "embraces you like an armchair and gives you the comfort of a sofa. Somewhere to snuggle into that uses an otherwise wasted corner.”