Farming Cuba: Carrot Harvest

At the Vivero Alamar organopónico in Havana, growers harvest carrots that have been grown without pesticides or herbicides, instead using compost tea, mushroom rhizomes, artisanal pest control products, and permaculture strategies such as intercropping. 

Photo provided by Carey Clouse  Photo 1 of 8 in Havana: World Capital of Urban Farming?

Havana: World Capital of Urban Farming?

1 of 8

Farming Cuba: Carrot Harvest

At the Vivero Alamar organopónico in Havana, growers harvest carrots that have been grown without pesticides or herbicides, instead using compost tea, mushroom rhizomes, artisanal pest control products, and permaculture strategies such as intercropping.

Photo provided by Carey Clouse