This innovation is one that should have occurred at approximately exactly the same time that the fork was invented. But instead, the spork was introduced a while back, and it completely missed the point. Nobody wants ineffectual little tines on their spoon; they’re too short to stab food, and the spaces between them disrupt the integrity of something that could otherwise hold things like soup or cereal. The Knork is a fork with a knife edge on one of the tines—simple and elegant.  Photo 2 of 10 in New and Upcoming Gadgets You'll Want in Your Kitchen by David Glenn

New and Upcoming Gadgets You'll Want in Your Kitchen

2 of 10

This innovation is one that should have occurred at approximately exactly the same time that the fork was invented. But instead, the spork was introduced a while back, and it completely missed the point. Nobody wants ineffectual little tines on their spoon; they’re too short to stab food, and the spaces between them disrupt the integrity of something that could otherwise hold things like soup or cereal. The Knork is a fork with a knife edge on one of the tines—simple and elegant.