Stephen Cassell explains that CBST's rabbi felt like their previous home was "like trying to find a 1970s lesbian bar--the synagogue was closeted." Now, as of the 2014 projected opening, the congregation will be located in a space designed with transparency, intimacy, and warmth.  The flexible interior spaces are meant to do double- and triple-duty for its community, one of the country's oldest and most influential lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) faith-based groups.

Cassell says of the impending visual presence for CBST: "One of the nice things we were able to do, since it's a modern synagogue, is interpret 'radical traditionalism.' Being able to put a modern design inside a traditional building alludes to how the [congregation] practices Judaism itself."  Photo 1 of 6 in LGBT Synagogue in New York by ARO by Kelsey Keith

LGBT Synagogue in New York by ARO

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Stephen Cassell explains that CBST's rabbi felt like their previous home was "like trying to find a 1970s lesbian bar--the synagogue was closeted." Now, as of the 2014 projected opening, the congregation will be located in a space designed with transparency, intimacy, and warmth. The flexible interior spaces are meant to do double- and triple-duty for its community, one of the country's oldest and most influential lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) faith-based groups.

Cassell says of the impending visual presence for CBST: "One of the nice things we were able to do, since it's a modern synagogue, is interpret 'radical traditionalism.' Being able to put a modern design inside a traditional building alludes to how the [congregation] practices Judaism itself."