Christopher Proctor Fernando Rihl, of Proctor:Rihl in London, designed Casa Fatia (“Slice House”) in Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil, with a window looking straight into the pool, à la the master bedroom of John Lautner’s Sheats-Goldstein house in Los Angeles. Slice House has been published in more than 30 design and architecture magazines.  Photo 8 of 10 in Finotti at Centre Culturel by Erika Heet

Finotti at Centre Culturel

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Christopher Proctor Fernando Rihl, of Proctor:Rihl in London, designed Casa Fatia (“Slice House”) in Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil, with a window looking straight into the pool, à la the master bedroom of John Lautner’s Sheats-Goldstein house in Los Angeles. Slice House has been published in more than 30 design and architecture magazines.