"Often popular images and colors were tied in to the ads to increase appeal.  For example, Horizon Blue appeared in an October 1969 advertisement, the blue-themed dishes resting on a lunar-like surface.  Just months before, Americans had seen Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the moon."

Advertisement in McCall's, 1969.  Photo 5 of 9 in Classic Cookware a Staple in American Kitchens for 100 Years by Allie Weiss

Classic Cookware a Staple in American Kitchens for 100 Years

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"Often popular images and colors were tied in to the ads to increase appeal. For example, Horizon Blue appeared in an October 1969 advertisement, the blue-themed dishes resting on a lunar-like surface. Just months before, Americans had seen Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the moon."

Advertisement in McCall's, 1969.