Nesting in Belgium

In Belgium it's raining most of the time. People say you realize you are in the summer when you notice that the rain is hot... but we actually experience the full swing of seasons from minus 15C to close to 35C on summer days, and the sky... aaah the sky, truly like in the Flemish paintings: from ethereal blue to truly miserable greys. We just hope to bring our home a slightly more regulated interior, so that we can continue to enjoy the exteriors...and I am sure our Australian dog will appreciate a little extra thermal comfort as much as the rest of the family. The Nest is beautiful !  Photo 20 of 20 in Show Us How You Nest by Kale Zicafoose

Show Us How You Nest

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Nesting in Belgium

In Belgium it's raining most of the time. People say you realize you are in the summer when you notice that the rain is hot... but we actually experience the full swing of seasons from minus 15C to close to 35C on summer days, and the sky... aaah the sky, truly like in the Flemish paintings: from ethereal blue to truly miserable greys. We just hope to bring our home a slightly more regulated interior, so that we can continue to enjoy the exteriors...and I am sure our Australian dog will appreciate a little extra thermal comfort as much as the rest of the family. The Nest is beautiful !