Aaron: Fashion it So 

Combining two of my strongest interests—fashion and Star Trek: The Next Generation—Fashion It So gives us a blow-by-blow of the intergalactic style of the 24th century. I can't get enough of this site, which is by turns hilarious, lewd, and deeply committed to sorting out precisely why Wesley Crusher owns all those sparkly vests.  Photo 9 of 31 in A Month of Fridays by Diana Budds from Friday Finds 01.27.12

A Month of Fridays

9 of 31

Aaron: Fashion it So

Combining two of my strongest interests—fashion and Star Trek: The Next Generation—Fashion It So gives us a blow-by-blow of the intergalactic style of the 24th century. I can't get enough of this site, which is by turns hilarious, lewd, and deeply committed to sorting out precisely why Wesley Crusher owns all those sparkly vests.

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