Outdoor, Back Yard, Grass, Decking, Large, Large, and Swimming Set on a private reserve, naked Stables is on one of China’s few wellness properties and is the first resort in the country to achieve LEED Platinum certification. Guests have their choice from a treetop villa or an earth hut along the secluded valley. Naked Stables is easily accessible from Shanghai and a great respite from city life.  Outdoor Large Swimming Decking Photos from 20 Sublime Retreats You Need to Visit For Creative Inspiration

Outdoor Large Swimming Decking Photos

Set on a private reserve, naked Stables is on one of China’s few wellness properties and is the first resort in the country to achieve LEED Platinum certification. Guests have their choice from a treetop villa or an earth hut along the secluded valley. Naked Stables is easily accessible from Shanghai and a great respite from city life.