Bedroom, Night Stands, Chair, Bed, Lamps, Ceiling, and Painted Wood The master bedroom, which is painted a soothing green-gray, features a chair and nesting tables in Oregon pine designed by Grete Jalk in the 1960s, and a standing lamp by Isamu Noguchi. The armchair is by Gerald Summers. The couple found the overhead fixture at an auction.  Bedroom Bed Lamps Chair Painted Wood Photos from A Pine Box Vacation Home in Sweden

Bedroom Bed Lamps Chair Painted Wood Photos

The master bedroom, which is painted a soothing green-gray, features a chair and nesting tables in Oregon pine designed by Grete Jalk in the 1960s, and a standing lamp by Isamu Noguchi. The armchair is by Gerald Summers. The couple found the overhead fixture at an auction.