"After several years of experience in the industry, I realized that this symphony of contractors, architects, programmers, and dealers could never scale to a broader audience. These systems were carefully installed, programmed, and designed for the ultra-rich, meaning that the Jetsons home would remain a mirage for all but a few," Springer wrote in his essay The Jetsons Fallacy: How I Learned the Smart Home Industry Needs to Change. "All those years of hard work led to me having an epiphany: I was solving the wrong problem."  Photo 2 of 3 in How Working in Home Automation Inspired One Developer to Rethink Smart Tech

How Working in Home Automation Inspired One Developer to Rethink Smart Tech

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"After several years of experience in the industry, I realized that this symphony of contractors, architects, programmers, and dealers could never scale to a broader audience. These systems were carefully installed, programmed, and designed for the ultra-rich, meaning that the Jetsons home would remain a mirage for all but a few," Springer wrote in his essay The Jetsons Fallacy: How I Learned the Smart Home Industry Needs to Change. "All those years of hard work led to me having an epiphany: I was solving the wrong problem."