Surviving a natural disaster can be hard on your body—particularly if you need to walk long distances. To be as efficient as possible, you want to stock up on high-calorie, lightweight foods with long shelf lives like dried fruit, nuts and nut butters, crackers, and energy and protein bars. Canned food and MREs (meals-ready-to-eat) are also a good idea, but make sure that you have the means to open them by also packing a can opener or only purchasing pop-top cans.  Photo 3 of 11 in 10 Things You Should Absolutely Have in Your Home Emergency Kit from A Storage-Smart Renovation in New York City

10 Things You Should Absolutely Have in Your Home Emergency Kit

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Surviving a natural disaster can be hard on your body—particularly if you need to walk long distances. To be as efficient as possible, you want to stock up on high-calorie, lightweight foods with long shelf lives like dried fruit, nuts and nut butters, crackers, and energy and protein bars. Canned food and MREs (meals-ready-to-eat) are also a good idea, but make sure that you have the means to open them by also packing a can opener or only purchasing pop-top cans.