Collection by Zach Edelson and Dwell

Landscapes Designed with Native Plants

When it comes to your yard, lawn, or property, it almost seems like a no-brainer: plant the species that would naturally grow there. But some still install invasive species like bamboo that, if not carefully monitored, can contaminate and wreck local ecosystems. These seven examples demonstrate that indigenous foliage provides an equally beautiful, more seamless context for modern homes.

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Xeriscaping-drought-tolerant landscaping—was an important part of the house's resource efficiency. Instead of a typical lawn, the owners planted a meadow of native grasses and installed artificial turf, which requires no maintenance. The landscape design was a collaboration between CCS and John Greenlee, and was installed by Berkeley-based Siteworks Landscape.

Native grasses, such as red fescue and California oat, dot the landscape surrounding this house in Big Sur.

More native grasses set the tone near the generously sized concrete pavers leading to the entrance. “We didn’t want the planting to feel like a country cottage garden—that would have felt disconnected with the view behind it,” Trainor says.

"We created a bosque of ironwood (Olneya tesota), one of our most cherished indigenous tree species,” Debra explains.

“It was very important to get the integration between the garden and the house right,” Maynard says. The architects worked with Bush Projects to strike that balance, laying down concrete pavers and planting native flora that add to the home’s relaxed feel. Permanent steel awnings protect windows from glare, while retractable fabric ones by Shadefactor offer residents optional shelter when they sit outside.

Native grasses spill forth from the green roof toward a stairway leading to the main level.