Riva Collection by Jasper Morrison

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We’re big fans of designer Jasper Morrison. His designs look simply beautiful, whether it’s a single chair or an entire kitchen. Seeing an entire collection of outdoor furniture that combines many things we love - minimalism, natural materials and versatility - makes us happy. Created for Kettal, the Riva Collection features a comprehensive range of furniture pieces: dining chairs, low club armchairs, dining tables, side tables, and three sofas.

Made of solid teak wood using a traditional plank construction for the seat and backrest, the chairs and sofas are comfortable and boast a smooth surface. Clean lines and soft curves give the designs a minimal appearance. Specifically made for outdoor areas, this collection would also look at home in any modern interior. The tables come with teak or marble tops, while the sofas come with a premium quality fabric upholstery that is available in various colors, to complement any décor. Photo credits: Kettal and Jasper Morrison.

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