An Art-Filled House With an Eccentric Floor Plan Sits on San Francisco Bay

A house with a pinwheel-shaped plan becomes a wide-open home for two art and design collectors.

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Descending at a 45-degree angle and emitting a soft whir, a single-carriage tram glides down a Sausalito hillside dappled with foliage. During the two-minute ride along the steep Northern California topography, its glass dome and clear walls frame a massive horizon where San Francisco Bay meets the sky. Trams are the only way to navigate certain parts of Sausalito, where homes are submerged beneath a high tide of fog that rolls in before dawn and burns off into spangled sunlight by late morning. But on this particular day, as the carriage comes to a halt, there is no fog, just a frieze of high clouds softening the peak of Angel Island in the distance.

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