Discovering the Anthropologist

I spent a couple hours this afternoon blog-hopping, and somehow found my way from Spoon and Tamago to The Anthropologist, an online gallery of sorts that supports the work of "inspiring individuals" by spotlighting their artwork and creative projects. It's basically a blog from the retail chain Anthropolgie, but it's no ordinary blog. Right now there are only thirteen projects featured, from a photographic meditation on fly-fishing to a video capturing the movements of a tiny Japanese ballet dancer to Foster Huntington's "The Burning House" series, which documents what people would save in the face of a fire. Each project is laid out in a clean and beautiful way, and between the lovely photos, minimal but poetic use of text, and occasional multi-media insertion (ie: supplementary audio files) it really makes for an enthralling reading and watching experience.

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My favorite discovery, though, was this video of the Seattle-based artist Etsuko Ichikawa, who creates "pyrographs": drawings created by brushing 2100-degree molten glass across sheets of paper. The resulting artwork is quite striking, as is the mesmerizing film by Alistair Banks Griffin showing Ichikawa in action:

Don't miss the accompanying photos and audio excerpts, where Ichikawa talks about how she discovered this method of drawing with glass and why it's important to meditate before she gets going in the studio.

So many other inspiring projects on the site—happy hunting!


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