7 People to Follow on Dwell Right Now

We’re turning inward for inspiration, highlighting superlative users and fresh photos found on our own site.

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Moving Mountains

We’ve had an eye on New York’s Syrette Lew, known professionally as Moving Mountains, since she made our 2015 Young Guns roster of rising designers. On her profile, you’ll find plain but playful furniture, like her Confetti credenza. "I was sick of all the rustic, reclaimed wood in Brooklyn, so when my boyfriend moved in, I decided to make pieces that we’d actually want to live with," she says. 

Nikki Janda

San Francisco photographer Nikki Janda’s inspiration board, composed of old clippings from Dwell issues, was guaranteed to grab our attention. See her profile for studies in color and modern architecture. 

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Skinny laMinx

When her textile business Skinny laMinx started to take off, Cape Town designer Heather Moore fretted she’d have less time to create. Making Friday, a weekly ritual where she devotes studio hours to open-ended expression with odd materials like envelops, became her outlet. Moore chronicles these experiments on her profile.

Michael Nÿkamp

How does a designer known for the simplicity of his illustrations conduct himself online? Quietly. On his profile, Michael Nÿkamp, founder of Ontario studio mkn design, describes his career thusly: "[My] only complaint (politely filed, of course) is that there are never enough pencils in the office." Nÿkamp regularly delivers drawings of midcentury modern classics, like Charles Goodman’s 1957 Alcoa Care Free Home, to his followers. Someone get this man a pencil. 


Menu, sweetheart of Danish design fans everywhere, goes global in a collection showcasing their Nepal Project, a sundry line of objects that are all handmade by Nepalese craftswomen. 

Calico Wallpaper

Who doesn’t love a studio visit? Calico Wallpaper takes followers behind the scenes at their Brooklyn workshop to reveal how they produce their marbleized, non-repeating wall murals. 

Melissa Abel

Parsons student Melissa Abel has an ecumenical appreciation for design one might expect of someone who is still learning. In her Technology collection, she posts photos of gizmos and prototypes by college-age peers, like a hand-held tool that captures typefaces and colors from the real world and uploads them to inDesign.


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