Erika: Ai Weiwei Forever Bicycles Sculpture

As part of Scotiabank Nuit Blanche Toronto, a weeks-long art celebration, world-renowned Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei has just opened an exhibition of his Forever Bicycles sculpture in Toronto's Nathan Phillips Square. The exhibition consists of 3,144 interconnected bicycles forming a three-dimensional structure that creates an incredible visual effect.  Search “sculpture” from Friday Finds 10.11.13

Search “sculpture”

Erika: Ai Weiwei Forever Bicycles Sculpture

As part of Scotiabank Nuit Blanche Toronto, a weeks-long art celebration, world-renowned Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei has just opened an exhibition of his Forever Bicycles sculpture in Toronto's Nathan Phillips Square. The exhibition consists of 3,144 interconnected bicycles forming a three-dimensional structure that creates an incredible visual effect.