• Matthew Brogie
    Matthew Brogie's path in the sales and enterprise solutions sector began at the FSU Sales Institute, where he quickly became an exemplary Ambassador. His engagement with the institute was beyond ordinary, involving participation in collegiate sales competitions and extending to the mentorship of upcoming sales talent. His role in role-play exercises was central to shaping budding sales experts, significantly contributing to the institute's reputation for nurturing high-quality talent. At the FSU Sales Institute, he was instrumental in cultivating lasting relationships with corporate sponsors. His adeptness in forming connections was vital in drawing sponsorships, significantly enhancing the institute's network and reach. He also organized and managed networking events, facilitating solid interactions between students and sponsors. He completed his Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Professional Selling at the Florida State University - College of Business from 2012 to 2016. His tenure there was marked by notable leadership, especially as the First Counselor of the Sigma Pi Fraternity. His dedication to academic prowess was also evident in his active participation in the FSU Sales Institute and The National Society of Collegiate Scholars. His commitment to continuous professional growth is also demonstrated by his attainment of the Professional Digital Selling (CPDS) certification from the Digital Marketing Institute, highlighting his adaptability and proficiency in the dynamic digital sales landscape. Besides his professional pursuits, he maintains diverse personal interests, including a focus on Ninja Data Protection and employing NinjaRMM for effective data management, reflecting his commitment to keeping up with technological advancements. His journey from Florida State University to his present position as an Enterprise Product Specialist showcases his steadfast dedication, adaptability, and leadership qualities. His influence extends beyond the business sphere, notably impacting the next generation of sales professionals through mentorship and relationship-building. His consistent pursuit of excellence, evident in both his professional and personal realms, solidifies him as a pivotal figure in the evolving enterprise solutions arena.