7 Sharply Designed Knives

Josh Epple, co-owner of one of the oldest butcher shops in California, Drewes Bros. Meats, graciously agreed to test our knives’ (pork) chops. Price and material are important factors to consider, but there’s no substitute for real-world experience. We offer a sage bit of culinary wisdom: Get a good knife.  Search “recipe-tomato-pork-chop-rigatoni.html” from Butcher Josh Epple Reviews 7 Chef's Knives

Search “recipe-tomato-pork-chop-rigatoni.html”

7 Sharply Designed Knives

Josh Epple, co-owner of one of the oldest butcher shops in California, Drewes Bros. Meats, graciously agreed to test our knives’ (pork) chops. Price and material are important factors to consider, but there’s no substitute for real-world experience. We offer a sage bit of culinary wisdom: Get a good knife.