New York-based interior designer Nick Domitrovich will join Dwell on Design for a conversation about experimenting with new technologies like 3-D printing—including the drawbacks, such as creation of waste and potential safety issues that come with the ability to bypass engineering. Domitrovich works at ICRAVE, which developed an Airport iPad Experience at Delta Terminal D inside New York's LaGuardia Airport (pictured).  Search “ipad+pro2020和2018【A货++微mpscp1993】” from Energy and Technology at Dwell on Design

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New York-based interior designer Nick Domitrovich will join Dwell on Design for a conversation about experimenting with new technologies like 3-D printing—including the drawbacks, such as creation of waste and potential safety issues that come with the ability to bypass engineering. Domitrovich works at ICRAVE, which developed an Airport iPad Experience at Delta Terminal D inside New York's LaGuardia Airport (pictured).