2002: Toyo Ito and Cecil Balmond, with Arup

A mathematical equation rendered in space, this intriguing white cube, and the maze of open space, razor-sharp lines and polygons, was devised from the algorithms of a cube.

Photograph © 2002 Sylvain Deleu  Search “g+이더리움세탁✚〔텔레-coin2002〕♝♩비트코인환전리플환전☑𓇗리플환전” from Years of Serpentine Gallery Pavilions

Search “g+이더리움세탁✚〔텔레-coin2002〕♝♩비트코인환전리플환전☑𓇗리플환전”

2002: Toyo Ito and Cecil Balmond, with Arup

A mathematical equation rendered in space, this intriguing white cube, and the maze of open space, razor-sharp lines and polygons, was devised from the algorithms of a cube.

Photograph © 2002 Sylvain Deleu