Workers excavate portions of the mountain to determine where the best-quality stone is; they won't go through the entire laborious process in lower-quality sections. Then, they  remove blocks measuring three meters by five meters and weighing 22,000 kilos each; that's the same as about ten small cars! Here, a block arrives at the factory for processing. (This is a different type of marble than the nearby Blanco Macael.)  Search “dekton cosentino” from A Look Inside a Marble Factory

Search “dekton cosentino”

Workers excavate portions of the mountain to determine where the best-quality stone is; they won't go through the entire laborious process in lower-quality sections. Then, they remove blocks measuring three meters by five meters and weighing 22,000 kilos each; that's the same as about ten small cars! Here, a block arrives at the factory for processing. (This is a different type of marble than the nearby Blanco Macael.)