"From a practical standpoint, we organized the space in layers—starting with the sidewalk display function of the window seating and signage, then to the entry space with its merchandise shelves, and next to that is the recessed pastry case and barista station," Dunn says. "Past that point is the serving area, point of sale, and main seating area with service spaces in the back."

Photo by Patricia Chang  Search “coffee-break-san-franciscos-coffee-bar.html” from Coffee Break: San Francisco’s Saint Frank

Search “coffee-break-san-franciscos-coffee-bar.html”

"From a practical standpoint, we organized the space in layers—starting with the sidewalk display function of the window seating and signage, then to the entry space with its merchandise shelves, and next to that is the recessed pastry case and barista station," Dunn says. "Past that point is the serving area, point of sale, and main seating area with service spaces in the back."

Photo by Patricia Chang