Karl Peter Röhl created the Bauhaus seal in 1919 (left). The design, Little Star Man, won a student competition and reflected the school's original utopian vision. Chinese symbols for yin and yang, and the signs of a sun, star, and swastika (not yet associated with the Nazi party or Facism) demonstrate the school's spiritual aims. Oskar Schlemmer's new seal created in 1921 (right) reflects the school's new orientation toward production and industry.  Search “Touring-Vitra-Campus-Part-1.html” from Touring the Weimar Bauhaus Campus

Search “Touring-Vitra-Campus-Part-1.html”

Karl Peter Röhl created the Bauhaus seal in 1919 (left). The design, Little Star Man, won a student competition and reflected the school's original utopian vision. Chinese symbols for yin and yang, and the signs of a sun, star, and swastika (not yet associated with the Nazi party or Facism) demonstrate the school's spiritual aims. Oskar Schlemmer's new seal created in 1921 (right) reflects the school's new orientation toward production and industry.