Unlike other French presses, whose coffee cools quickly, the wool cozie on the Portland Press ensures another layer of insulation, and a better chance that cup number two from your pot won't be lukewarm.  Search “티스토리 블로그 글쓰기 API vsa822.top 네이버카페 자동글쓰기 프로그램 네이버 카페 댓글 빨리달기 오토핫키 에디터 boi” from Mason Jar French Press

Search “티스토리 블로그 글쓰기 API vsa822.top 네이버카페 자동글쓰기 프로그램 네이버 카페 댓글 빨리달기 오토핫키 에디터 boi”

Unlike other French presses, whose coffee cools quickly, the wool cozie on the Portland Press ensures another layer of insulation, and a better chance that cup number two from your pot won't be lukewarm.