Bullitt Center (Seattle, Washington: 2013)

Denis Hayes, chief executive of the Bullitt Foundation, said that if the Bullit Center, his organization’s ambitious experiment in creating a sustainable and “living” office building, is still the greenest space of its kind in a decade, it will have been a failure. That’s not bragging, that’s merely an insight into the scope and ambition of this revolutionary structure, a testing ground for water and energy self sufficiency (via rainwater collection, composting, and a large solar array) aiming to be a case study for radical change in how we build. Based on stats released on Earth Day in April, the building’s first anniversary, the structure is currently using 75 percent less energy than a similar structure and is on its way to a net zero energy certification. 

Photo by Benjamin Benschneider  Search “지옥넷사이트】AV1004。NET【 야잘알텔레그램 호두코믹스예능 미소넷텔레그램 봉지닷컴접속법 춘자넷sns 걸천사망가 물사냥들어가는법 야잘알링크 야플티비sns 일베야접속 뉴토끼우회 호두코믹스sns 우리넷야동 밤헌터접속 일베야twitter 다나와티비대피소 우리넷트위터 물사냥만화 물사냥만화 도신닷컴주소 우리넷우회  늑대닷컴우회 야플티비사이트  늑대닷컴접속 다나와티비접속안됨 다나와티비들어가는법 애니24막힘 걸천사접속 야잘알같은 티비나무텔레그램 호두코믹스트위터 야잘알트위터  도신닷컴접속법           ” from 10 Green Commercial Buildings

Search “지옥넷사이트】AV1004。NET【 야잘알텔레그램 호두코믹스예능 미소넷텔레그램 봉지닷컴접속법 춘자넷sns 걸천사망가 물사냥들어가는법 야잘알링크 야플티비sns 일베야접속 뉴토끼우회 호두코믹스sns 우리넷야동 밤헌터접속 일베야twitter 다나와티비대피소 우리넷트위터 물사냥만화 물사냥만화 도신닷컴주소 우리넷우회  늑대닷컴우회 야플티비사이트  늑대닷컴접속 다나와티비접속안됨 다나와티비들어가는법 애니24막힘 걸천사접속 야잘알같은 티비나무텔레그램 호두코믹스트위터 야잘알트위터  도신닷컴접속법           ”

Bullitt Center (Seattle, Washington: 2013)

Denis Hayes, chief executive of the Bullitt Foundation, said that if the Bullit Center, his organization’s ambitious experiment in creating a sustainable and “living” office building, is still the greenest space of its kind in a decade, it will have been a failure. That’s not bragging, that’s merely an insight into the scope and ambition of this revolutionary structure, a testing ground for water and energy self sufficiency (via rainwater collection, composting, and a large solar array) aiming to be a case study for radical change in how we build. Based on stats released on Earth Day in April, the building’s first anniversary, the structure is currently using 75 percent less energy than a similar structure and is on its way to a net zero energy certification.

Photo by Benjamin Benschneider