Both the sitting and standing versions of DESK 01, a collaboration between Artifox and IdeaPaint, are outfitted with dry erase surfaces for recording sudden bursts of creativity.  Search “여탑광고Ш 【텔레MEV892】 여탑도배 여탑광고업체♜여탑1페이지△여탑도배✧여탑상단업체” from A Handpicked Selection of Office Tools for Cutting Clutter and Jumpstarting Creativity

Search “여탑광고Ш 【텔레MEV892】 여탑도배 여탑광고업체♜여탑1페이지△여탑도배✧여탑상단업체”

Both the sitting and standing versions of DESK 01, a collaboration between Artifox and IdeaPaint, are outfitted with dry erase surfaces for recording sudden bursts of creativity.