Dining Room, Pendant Lighting, Shelves, Storage, Table, and Chair Alexandre Delaunay of Sabo Project helped Romain and Aurélie Fliedel renovate a 1,650-square-foot duplex when the couple were expecting their first child. Custom plywood cabinets and shelves line the dining area, which includes a table and chairs by Hay.  Search “独立院校毕业证查询专业办正加V信:(TTYY6590)” from This Live/Work Duplex in Paris Is Full of Kid- and Cat-Friendly Details

Search “独立院校毕业证查询专业办正加V信:(TTYY6590)”

Alexandre Delaunay of Sabo Project helped Romain and Aurélie Fliedel renovate a 1,650-square-foot duplex when the couple were expecting their first child. Custom plywood cabinets and shelves line the dining area, which includes a table and chairs by Hay.