PS 2014 corner cabinet by Keiji Ashizawa for Ikea. For its PS 2014 line, Ikea collaborated with international designers to create furniture targeted to renters, including this triangular cabinet built to tuck into underutilized corner spaces.  Search “抑郁症门诊病历范本代办,定制,排版,PS+薇:DZTT16800” from Nature-Inspired Furniture Designs

Search “抑郁症门诊病历范本代办,定制,排版,PS+薇:DZTT16800”

PS 2014 corner cabinet by Keiji Ashizawa for Ikea. For its PS 2014 line, Ikea collaborated with international designers to create furniture targeted to renters, including this triangular cabinet built to tuck into underutilized corner spaces.