Living Room Ottomans Lamps Sofa End Tables Pendant Lighting Design Photos and Ideas

This silk-and-wool rug was custom-designed by Gideon Mendelson for this Westchester home. The design was executed by Sprung & Rich.
For this Eichler remodel, the objective was to respect the original bones with more thoughtful updates than what had come before. "Our goal was to design a beautiful mix of finishes that respected the timeless design intention of Eichler homes," say Sommer and Costello. "Rather than focus purely on historical renovation, we wanted to update the finishes and layout to ensure it lives on for the next generation."
Revised landscaping at the back of the house enhances the indoor/outdoor feel of the home’s original architecture. The rug is from Target and the Mobile Chandelier is from West Elm.
The light-filled lobby, located in the basement, is at once industrial and warm.
A wall of glass provides a strong connection with the surroundings and easy garden access.
Subtle lighting gives the living room a cozy glow at night.
The upper level is home to the dining room, living room, and kitchen.
In the living room, Samuel painted the exposed wood and stonework to unify the space and let the original texture step forward. (The wood had been painted already by previous owners.) A custom ten-foot sofa sits below the window and the green canvas armchairs are from Urban Outfitters.
Built in wood shelving sits below clerestory windows, opposite a large brick fireplace with a sculptural chute.  Expansive windows provide views of the Bay beyond.
Continuous clerestory windows provide views out into the surroundings at all edges. The butterfly roof appears to hover atop the structure.