Exterior Concrete Patio, Porch, Deck Large Patio, Porch, Deck Design Photos and Ideas

Two linked 1,000-square-foot pavilions are greater than a sum of their parts. The simply detailed, taut, flat-roofed home’s two wings form a T-shape. One wing runs north to south, parallel to a pool, and contains the open-plan living spaces. Photo by Matthew Millman.
The house features one master bedroom upstairs, two guest bedrooms, and two separate guest apartments downstairs that Wynants rents out. “Farming has become a very difficult trade. Prices are historically low and agritourism is something invented to give farmers the possibility to have an extra income,” says Wynants, who grows hops on his land. “The formula has had huge success; in the last years the tourism capacity of this area has multiplied many times.”
Front view of the House at Los Cisnes right before dawn
A statement piece: the Grand Weave corner unit in color Meteor, highlighted by Ambient Nest lanterns.
At the rear addition, the existing overhang meets the new cedar mass to divide the length of the covered patio and create outdoor spaces of varying size.