Exterior Back Yard Concrete Siding Material Design Photos and Ideas

The defining gesture of a house on the Big Island of Hawaii by architect Craig Steely is a 139-foot-long, four-foot-tall concrete beam spanning the roof.
After months spent researching solutions to make her home’s fabric roof functional, Lisa Sette can finally relax.
Winter takes care of chores like tree trimming and the tending of his succulents.
The hotel's spa space is set right into the banks on the rushing Valldola. The turf roof seems like a contemporary conceit but in fact is a reference to ancient Scandinavian tradition of sod roofs.
When Belgian fashion retailer Nathalie Vandemoortele was seeking a new nest for her brood, she stumbled upon a fortresslike house in the countryside designed in 1972 by a pair of Ghent architects, Johan Raman and Fritz Schaffrath. While the Brutalist concrete architecture and petite but lush gardens suited her tastes to a tee, the interiors needed a few updates.