Gene Kaufman of Gwathmey Siegel Kaufman has previously offered to purchase Rudolph's treasured building to convert it into artist's studios. Now, after Orange County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus called for proposals to reverse its fate, Kaufman is submitting a plan to integrate the structure into larger center for the arts.  Photo 1 of 4 in Plan to Repurpose Orange County Government Center, A Brutalist Masterpiece by Allie Weiss

Plan to Repurpose Orange County Government Center, A Brutalist Masterpiece

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Gene Kaufman of Gwathmey Siegel Kaufman has previously offered to purchase Rudolph's treasured building to convert it into artist's studios. Now, after Orange County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus called for proposals to reverse its fate, Kaufman is submitting a plan to integrate the structure into larger center for the arts.