Beyond Green: From Niche to Normal

Beyond Green: From Niche to Normal

Yes You Can: Green Solutions for Every Room
Kitchen Design 101: What's Cooking In Our Favorite Spaces


Harboe’s Marks
Harboe’s Marks
Chicago preservation architect Thomas “Gunny” Harboe prefers not to dismantle architectural monuments.
By Jay Pridmore - 3 years ago
George Smart
George Smart, executive director of Triangle Modernist Archive, is a modern-day Lorax for modern-designed houses.
Welcome to the Jungle
In Central America, Spanish colonial architecture prevails.
PISE Does It
From an ecological perspective, pneumatically impacted stabilized earth (PISE) is a nearly perfect building material.
Don Norman Reviews 7 Modern Faucets
Far from fickle, faucets function best when they’re running hot and cold. These modern fixtures prove their mettle by making it oh-so-easy to go with the flow.
Richard Rogers
The architecture of Richard Rogers weds the best of high-tech design with the outer limits of the architect’s imagination, creating soaring, sustainable spaces that enrich...
Groundbreaking Design
It has been nearly half a decade, but the Dwell Home II is back! Construction began this winter in the hills outside Los Angeles, and a true model of domestic sustainability takes...
Werner Sobek
Werner Sobek has seen the future, and it’s high-tech, green, and efficient.
Terunobu Fujimori
A modern eccentric with an architectural sensibility drawn from ancient Japanese traditions, Terunobu Fujimori designs projects that are exercises in playful experimentation and...
At Home in the Zone
Sustainability doesn’t have to mean monasticism and darkness—with this zone-by-zone guide to the domestic world you know best, going green can be both more efficient and fun.
The Whole House Zone
By conceptually dividing your home into zones, you can analyze each of its functions in turn.
The Food Zone
Fine-tuning your cooking and dining areas pays off in more ways than just saving resources.
The Living Zone
Let’s talk design for a minute. It’s important to remember that potential modifications to your home must be carefully considered before you implement them.
The Utility Zone
Your garage, laundry room, basement, and other nonglam support areas: These are the silent killers of energy-efficiency in your home.
The Yard Zone
The space outside your walls should be as thoughtfully considered as the space within.
An Introduction to Kitchen Design
The kitchen has evolved from a closed-off satellite to the most open, doted-upon room in the house—and repository of our dreams of domestic fulfillment.
Model Worthy
The true test of a kitchen’s mettle is not how it looks brand-new, but how it looks after a decade of wear and tear from heaving cleavers and spilling sauce.