From Arsenale: A mold of Palladio’s Villa Rotunda is the center of a larger installation in which FAT architecture practice explores the concept of copying and transformation in architecture. Ines Weizman scrutinizes the ownership disputes regarding Adolf Loos’s Baker House design. An intricate yet fascinating copyrights thriller presented through diagrams and letters. San Rocco invites visitors to produce a library from other books photocopies. Architectural Doppelgängers presents a series of photographs of actual architectural copies facing their respective originals. A state-of-the-art installation.  Photo 20 of 23 in Venice Biennale 2012: Architecture Review by Gustavo Pernía

Venice Biennale 2012: Architecture Review

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From Arsenale: A mold of Palladio’s Villa Rotunda is the center of a larger installation in which FAT architecture practice explores the concept of copying and transformation in architecture. Ines Weizman scrutinizes the ownership disputes regarding Adolf Loos’s Baker House design. An intricate yet fascinating copyrights thriller presented through diagrams and letters. San Rocco invites visitors to produce a library from other books photocopies. Architectural Doppelgängers presents a series of photographs of actual architectural copies facing their respective originals. A state-of-the-art installation.