Bath Room and Vessel Sink Bruce and Kirsty are obsessively tidy, so copious storage was a must. An entire wall in their bathroom opens to reveal a cabinet that is exactly the depth of a fat roll of toilet paper, and one of their kitchen cupboards was specially fireproofed in order to house that dastardly appliance, the toaster.  Photo 4 of 10 in Tips for Clutter-Free Bathrooms by Kelsey Keith from Composite Index

Tips for Clutter-Free Bathrooms

4 of 10

Bruce and Kirsty are obsessively tidy, so copious storage was a must. An entire wall in their bathroom opens to reveal a cabinet that is exactly the depth of a fat roll of toilet paper, and one of their kitchen cupboards was specially fireproofed in order to house that dastardly appliance, the toaster.