The Standard Collection
In a world of ubiquitous automation, one falls into mindless routine. The more often a user flips a light switch, the less she thinks about it. Flipping a switch allows her to become passive in her interactions with objects. She doesn’t touch the objects, make decisions about them, or build a connection to them. The name Standard Collection connotes the usage of “standard” to describe the manual rather than the automatic option. A standard transmission requires greater input from the driver and more frequent interaction. She changes gears using both hands and both feet. She makes decisions in relation to context. She is attuned to her surroundings. This relationship benefits the user and the planet. The user actively decides when she normally would not. If she uses a Standard object everyday and builds a thoughtful relationship with it, she will not be cavalier about throwing it away or replacing it. She will want to fix it, sell it, or continue to enjoy it in her home. Too many discarded objects, she will realize, have passed through her life unappreciated.