Christophe Berdaguer and Marie Péjus named their building “Gue(ho)st House” after Marcel Duchamp’s aphorism “A guest + a host = a ghost,” which appeared on a piece of ephemera he made in 1953. The duo translated the artist’s wordplay into architect-ural form, and said: “A house is a place where the hosts and guests share spaces. This project is like a third person, who in this context, looks like a ghost.”  Photo 3 of 8 in Striking Modern White Facades Part Two  by Jami Smith from Surrealist Architecture: Synagogue de Delme in France

Striking Modern White Facades Part Two

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Christophe Berdaguer and Marie Péjus named their building “Gue(ho)st House” after Marcel Duchamp’s aphorism “A guest + a host = a ghost,” which appeared on a piece of ephemera he made in 1953. The duo translated the artist’s wordplay into architect-ural form, and said: “A house is a place where the hosts and guests share spaces. This project is like a third person, who in this context, looks like a ghost.”