Steve Glenn of Living Homes, Bill Haney of Blu Homes, and Whitney Sander of Sander Architects will come together onstage to discuss why prefab is the key to building in the future. In a separate presentation, architects Jared Levy and Gordon Stott of Connect:Homes in Los Angeles will discuss the prefab home they built for a client’s octogenarian mother, featured in the June issue of Dwell.  Photo 1 of 7 in Prefab at Dwell on Design Los Angeles  by Sarah Amandolare

Prefab at Dwell on Design Los Angeles

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Steve Glenn of Living Homes, Bill Haney of Blu Homes, and Whitney Sander of Sander Architects will come together onstage to discuss why prefab is the key to building in the future. In a separate presentation, architects Jared Levy and Gordon Stott of Connect:Homes in Los Angeles will discuss the prefab home they built for a client’s octogenarian mother, featured in the June issue of Dwell.