Exterior, Metal Siding Material, and House Building Type In Sitges, Spain, Olson Kunding crafted a live-work house for two artists. Large panels of steel arch from the ground over the entrance, curving to create part of the building’s roof. Materials with a strong industrial aesthetic, including untreated steel and cast-in-place concrete, are used in the entry sequence, while the rear of the building opens to the landscape. Photo by: Nikolas Koenig.  Photo 15 of 52 in pool by Maureen Hill from Olson Kundig Houses


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In Sitges, Spain, Olson Kunding crafted a live-work house for two artists. Large panels of steel arch from the ground over the entrance, curving to create part of the building’s roof. Materials with a strong industrial aesthetic, including untreated steel and cast-in-place concrete, are used in the entry sequence, while the rear of the building opens to the landscape. Photo by: Nikolas Koenig.