Collection by Sara Ost
Pinterest Board of the Day: Landscape Architecture and Outdoors
From a modern twist on the classic porch swing to living roofs and a breathtaking vertical garden, our Pinterest board devoted to Landscape Architecture and Outdoors is full of great design ideas. Enjoy a peek here, and follow our board today!
San Francisco landscape architect Marcel Wilson harnessed an underground water source to create a lush marshland in his own backyard. The first step was freeing the stream, which now cascades through copper runnels from under the deck to an iris-studded wetland. The rest grew around it: a raised lawn (built with dirt excavated from the building where Wilson’s wife’s jewelry-making studio is now located), the weathered boardwalk (its decking and steel salvaged when Wilson renovated the house), and a pad of rounded stones planted with native maples. Though its flora is packed tightly within the garden, its edges bleed. A neighbor’s Japanese maple pokes through holes in the fence; a swing-out window frames Mount Diablo in the distance; a hidden door allows lemon-picking excursions to the next yard over. (Pin)