Collection by Anwar Abdullah Sani
Wilson said the app would help her work with clients without having to build a 3D-version of their homes, which takes much longer.
Wilson said the app would help her work with clients without having to build a 3D-version of their homes, which takes much longer.
Agustín Hernandez's home office.
Agustín Hernandez's home office.
The second-floor office is housed inside a rounded rectangle of concrete that the architect inserted on top of the old farmhouse.
The second-floor office is housed inside a rounded rectangle of concrete that the architect inserted on top of the old farmhouse.
Collaborating with Arauco, the Andes House tested the durability of cholguán by exposing it to liquid. To their surprise, they found the material survived but bent gently, revealing that it could be shaped to divide offices.
Collaborating with Arauco, the Andes House tested the durability of cholguán by exposing it to liquid. To their surprise, they found the material survived but bent gently, revealing that it could be shaped to divide offices.