Easy Breezy

A deft cross-ventilation system keeps things cool in the summer. A series of tilt-turn low-E wood window-doors by Swiss manufacturer Gautschi not only allows passage to the side yard and a bit of extra natural light but, when tilted down, permits breezes to pass through the house. 

gautschi-ag.ch  Photo 3 of 5 in Modern Homes Designed with Passive Cooling by Zach Edelson from Looking Inward

Modern Homes Designed with Passive Cooling

3 of 5

Easy Breezy

A deft cross-ventilation system keeps things cool in the summer. A series of tilt-turn low-E wood window-doors by Swiss manufacturer Gautschi not only allows passage to the side yard and a bit of extra natural light but, when tilted down, permits breezes to pass through the house.


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