The 400-square-foot porch, a central focus of the home, was wrapped in a Kawneer window framing and screen—probably the biggest material indulgence. A south-facing skylight above the porch draws in air and ventilates the entire cottage, dropping temperatures about 10 degrees. The table-and-chair set on the left is by Brown Jordan, while the coffee table and chairs are from Sojourn in Sawyer, Michigan.  Photo 4 of 5 in Modern Enclosed Porches by Allie Weiss from Modern Cottage Renovation in Michigan

Modern Enclosed Porches

4 of 5

The 400-square-foot porch, a central focus of the home, was wrapped in a Kawneer window framing and screen—probably the biggest material indulgence. A south-facing skylight above the porch draws in air and ventilates the entire cottage, dropping temperatures about 10 degrees. The table-and-chair set on the left is by Brown Jordan, while the coffee table and chairs are from Sojourn in Sawyer, Michigan.