The upper level contains the master bedroom and the kids' room. "We wanted the upstairs gallery that connects the two bedrooms to be as open as possible," principal Aljosa Dekleva says. "The rope mesh works as a fence for security, but is also performs as a multifunctional transparent wall on which one can hang different objects." A desk provides an additional workspace.  Photo 9 of 33 in Loft Spaces for Small Places by Diana Budds from Tiny Home Offices

Loft Spaces for Small Places

9 of 33

The upper level contains the master bedroom and the kids' room. "We wanted the upstairs gallery that connects the two bedrooms to be as open as possible," principal Aljosa Dekleva says. "The rope mesh works as a fence for security, but is also performs as a multifunctional transparent wall on which one can hang different objects." A desk provides an additional workspace.